Sulpher Springs
Asheville, NC | 1,400 - 1,700 sf
In the hip residential neighborhood known for its small shops selling vintage clothing and records, and dotted with restaurants, breweries, and retro-cool music venues, West Asheville is one of Asheville’s most desirable neighborhoods for young families.

Characterized by mid-century and craftsman bungalows on narrow lots, the two infill houses on Sulphur Springs are a fresh take on the surrounding vernacular with an even edgier vibe. The layout and size of the houses are largely dictated by the constraints of the lot, as they maximize the front, side and rear setbacks.

Because each lot has different setback per the zoning code, each house takes on a different proportion relative to its street edge. This helps both to create some diversity of form and massing which gives these designs a unique presence despite their similarities. The result is a crisp, modern home in a dynamic but modest package.

General Contractor
Painted Buckeye Builders, Patrick Connor
Structural Engineer
Kloesel Engineering
French Broad Landscape, Jeff Young
Ryan Theede Photography