Flat Creek
Fairview, NC | 2,800 sf
The house site is located on a small ridge line which runs east/west in the southern part of the vast, rolling terrain of the 123 acre parcel. Traversing the topography around a prominent knoll leads you to a small flattened plateau with long range, predominantly southern views of the surrounding Appalachians and below into the valley formed by Flat Creek.

The sound of 2 large waterfalls on Flat Creek to the northeast can be heard from the house site, giving the site a constant connection to both the land and the water that helped to form it.

The homeowners fell in love with the pristine streams, small waterfalls and rock outcroppings that dot the site. The size of the parcel and landscape diversity lends itself to privacy and ample space to spread out and explore with their young family.

The home is comprised of 4 key elements: steel, concrete, wood, and glass. These elements are on full display and celebrated throughout the design. Concrete is used where the home touches the ground, and the steel and wood are used to support the large expanses of glass. All of these elements work in concert to experience and celebrate the beautiful natural surroundings.